Space Marine Centurion Devastator Squad

Space Marine Centurion Devastator Squad



Wielding heavy siege drills, and clad in an exoskeleton that provides even more protection than standard power armour, Centurion Assault Squads are excellent at storming enemy fortifications.

Armed with a variety of heavy weapons, Centurion Devastator Squads are employed to provide incredible ranged firepower. Capable of acting as mobile firebases, Centurion Devastator Squads can crack open enemy fortifications at range with ease.


This 3 man kit makes either the Centurion Assault Squad or the Centurion Devastator Squad, providing every weapon
and upgrade available to the unit. Before you add the specific weapon
combinations you need to build the bodies. There are 3 distinct torsos; 3
individual sets of legs; 6 unique shoulder pad designs; and 7 heads (3
bare, and 4 helmeted) to choose from. The Centurion Assault Squad
members are equipped with a siege drill on each arm, and have the choice
of mounting either twin-linked flamers, or twin-linked meltaguns. The chest plates for the Centurion Assault Squad can be armed with either ironclad assault
launchers or a hurricane bolter.The Centurion Devastator Squad’s arms can be equipped with either
twin-linked heavy bolters, twin-linked lascannons; or grav cannons and
grav-amps. The chest plates for the Centurion Devastator Squad can be armed with either a hurricane bolter
or a missile launcher.

To add the finishing touches to your squad there is an additional helmet
plume to make it clear who the Sergeant is; an omniscope; an eagle back
banner; purity seals; and an iron halo. 


This plastic kit contains 175 components with which to make either a 3
man Space Marine Centurion Devastator Squad or 3 man Centurion Assault
Squad. Also included is 1 Ultramarines Infantry Transfer Sheet with
which to add Chapter iconography and squad markings.

Additional information







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