Legions Imperialis: Avenger Strike Fighters

Legions Imperialis: Avenger Strike Fighters

SKU: 43305 Category:



Bearing the massive Avenger Bolt Cannon from which they derive their name, these fighters are often employed on strafing runs, raining a hail of mass reactive bolt shells upon the sides and roof of vehicles and bunkers alike. Able to equip missiles, bombs, lascannons, and autocannons, they can take on a variety of mission objectives. Alongside the other fighters in the Imperial Navy, the Avenger Strike Fighter can bring incredible amounts of firepower to both ground and air assaults.


– 4 plastic Imperial Navy Avenger Strike Fighter miniatures
– 8 autocannons, 8 lascannons, 8 Hellstrike missiles, 8 Skystrike missiles
– 4 Aeronautica Imperialis bases (each of which designates the model’s front, rear and side arcs, speed, and altitude dials, as well as a clear stand to connect the aircraft to the base)
– 1 Avenger Squadron transfer sheet

The rules for using these miniatures in games of Aeronautica Imperialis can be found in the Taros Air War Campaign Book.

WarHub Ltd (12827461) Registered Office: Unit 19, Kingfisher Works, Neepsend Lane, Sheffield S3 8AU
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