Adeptus Custodes
The Adeptus Custodes were known originally as the Legio Custodes or Custodian Guard. The original Custodians were the first genetically and psychologically altered warriors to appear in the Emperor’s armies during the Terran Unification Wars, where they served as the Emperor’s personal bodyguard.
However the origins of the Custodian Guard are shrouded in myth and legend. During the Great Crusade, the Custodes always kept a contingent with the Emperor for his protection, but also traveled individually as envoys. The Emperor valued the Custodians above all his other warriors, and while he was willingly to expend countless of his servants he was always hesitant to bleed his Praetorians.
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Adeptus Custodes Allarus Custodians
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Adeptus Custodes Custodian Guard
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Adeptus Custodes Custodian Wardens
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Adeptus Custodes Vertus Praetors
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Adeptus Custodes: Shield Captain
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Captain-General Trajann Valoris
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Combat Patrol: Adeptus Custodes
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Talons of The Emperor: Valerian and Aleya
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